Arizona Services
SecureOne can digitally capture your fingerprints using LiveScan technology and print them on a fingerprint card for submission in local agencies and other states.
Questions about our services? Give us a call.

Proud to be the exclusive fingerprint agency for the City of Mesa, AZ.
Who needs to be Fingerprinted?
Arizona State law requires individuals to be fingerprinted for many certified or licensed professions. Employers may also require pre-employment fingerprinting with results sent directly to them. See the list below for different fingerprinting purposes.
We offer Card Fingerprinting for various reasons including:
City of Mesa – Exclusive Fingerprinting Contract
Outside of Illinois – We can facilitate almost all fingerprinting for IL at our Mesa office.
Level One Fingerprint Clearance Card
Arizona State Board of Nursing
- Adoption
- Foster Home
- Employee
- IT Employee
- Child Welfare/Adoption Agency
Dept of Economic Security (DES)
- Certified Child Care Provider
- CCR&R Registered Home
- DDD/Developmental Home Licensure
- Employee
- IT Position
- W/A Work Investment Act
- Domestic Violence/ Homeless Shelter
Dept of Health Services (DHS)
- Child Care Group Home: Certification, Employees or Volunteers
- Child Care Employees and Volunteers
- Child Care Facility Licensure
- Children Behavioral Health Programs Employees and Volunteers
- Residential or Nursing Care Institutions; Home Health Agencies
- Nursing Care Administrators & Assisted Living Facility Managers
- Arizona State Hospital
Arizona Dept of Education (ADE)
- Surrogate Parents
- Child Nutrition Programs
- Attend Vocational Program
Arizona Dept of Transportation (ADOT)
- Driver Training School
- Driver School Instructor Licensure
- Traffic School Licensure
Arizona Board of Appraisal (ABA)
- License or Certificate
- Appraisal Management/Registration
- Appraisal Management/Controlling person
Arizona Board of Dental Examiners (ABDE)
- Dentist Licensure
- Dental Hygienist
- Denturist Certification
Arizona Board of Fingerprinting
Arizona Charter School Board Member/Applicant
Arizona Dept of Real Estate Licensure
Arizona Game and Fish
Dept of Juvenile Corrections; Licensee or Contract Provider
Health Science Student & Clinical Assistant
Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Court- Juvenile Probation
Identity Verified Prints (IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card) Employee or Volunteer
- AZ Board of Education Teacher or other Certification
- Tutor or Teacher
- Charter School Instructor
- Public and/or Charter School Contractor, Subcontractor or Vendor and their Employees
- Public and/or Charter School Non-certified personnel
- School Bus Drivers
Arizona Dept of Insurance
Alarm Agents (BTR-Board of Technical registration)
Arizona Concealed and Carry Weapons Permit (CCW)
ATF Licensure (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms)
Medical Marijuana Dispensary Agents (MMJ) – Dispensary Agents/Caregivers
Any Out of State Fingerprinting Process using a FD-258 Fingerprint Card (OOS)