
  • Applicants from outside Illinois applying for license within the State of Illinois.
  • Applicants from outside Illinois applying for license within the State of Illinois.
  • Through Non-Fingerprint Name Based Checks, the Illinois State Police searches its computerized criminal history records using an individual's name, sex, race, and date of birth. Please note: Criminals often use aliases or dates of birth that could affect non-fingerprint searches. Background checks like these will help determine whether fingerprinting is necessary for an even more thorough background check. Who can utilize a Name based Check?
    • Personal Review
    • Licensing
    • Regulations regarding Nursing Home residents
    • Housing or Rental applications
    • Contractors (Household/office work)
    • Pre-Employment
    • Volunteer work
    • Determine if a Live Scan Fingerprint Background Check is necessary for a more complete & accurate result
    If your employer is requesting a fingerprint-based check, the name-based check will not suffice. You can use the name-based check to find out what's on your Illinois record before your employer sends you for fingerprinting. The name-based check results will be emailed to the email provided in the below Name-based Check Application. All transactions are final.
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